WeChat in France


WeChat is a multifunctional social media independently developed by China, integrating social networking, e-commerce, and payment. WeChat is the most popular social media platform in China and one of the top ten social media in the world.

WeChat is very important to users' daily life, users can make appointments for medical examinations, taxi rides, shopping, chat, and so on. In the past 10 years, WeChat has become an indispensable application for the Chinese people. In addition, it is an important social and business tool for millions of people around the world.

You must know that:

- It is one of the most used e-wallets for online payments in China

- It is the everyday virtual home screen for all consumers in China

Chinese consumers will expect to find your brand name in WeChat!

Current situation…

WeChat is a platform that can help you attract much more Chinese users and interact with them by posting an adapted content, which respond to their needs and to the consumer new trends.

WeChat is one of the most popular apps in China, and Chinese people are fun of it because it allows them to share content, but also make phone and video calls, having fun while playing online games, and can also make an online purchase and pay automaticaly, thanks to WeChat Pay!
Services offered by the app make it one of the most successful apps in China.

The number of users of WeChat is increasing at an alarming rate every day. Judging from current trends, young people have become accustomed to keeping in touch via WeChat instead of exchanging phone numbers. Thereby, French companies must adapt their promotional campaign by integrating Wechat in to their sales strategy.

WeChat demographics

According to Hootsuite’s Global State Of Digital 2021 report, there are 4.20 billion active social media users in the world. And social media users in Eastern Asia represent almost a third (28.1%) of that total market share.

90% of people in China use WeChat. WeChat has reached 1.24 monthly billion active users in 2021. 35% represents the pourcentage of monthly usage in China.

WeChat has a huge overseas user base, and data shows that 250 million WeChat users come from overseas.

The ratio of female and male WeChat users is basically the same. 45.4% are women and 54.6% are men.

WeChat users are mainly concentrated in the younger generation, and users under 30 account for more than half of the total number of WeChat users in China. The proportion of users aged 36-40 is the smallest, accounting for only 8.6% of the total users.

WeChat ecosystem 

WeChat has always been committed to simplifying people’s lives, and has now developed into a WeChat ecosystem integrating social networking and business. The WeChat ecosystem has several major components, WeChat public platform, WeChat merchant platform, WeChat open platform, and WeChat advertising.

WeChat public platform

There is different kinds of Wechat accounts, to choose the one that suit the most to your companie’s need:

Service account: It is more suitable for enterprises and organizations with stronger business services and user management capabilities. The number of group messages becomes 4 per month, but it supports complete official account development capabilities, which means service accounts can develop WeChat-side websites, sell their own services and products to WeChat users, have more interaction with users, maintain users, and complete business closed loops.

- Subscription account: It is mainly used to provide media and individuals with information dissemination methods. Subscription account can send a group message to the following users every day, has basic receiving and replying information functions. The ability to develop is relatively weak. Therefore, it is generally applicable to self-media.

- Mini-programs account: WeChat mini-programs can be used to search for information, read articles, watch streaming videos, play video games or shop online. Users can enjoy all these features without ever leaving WeChat. They do not require downloads or installation.

- Professional account: It is an enterprise auxiliary tool, mainly used for internal communication and internal office management.

WeChat merchant platform

- Pay with payment code: It means that the user displays the "payment code" in the WeChat wallet and scans it to the merchant system to directly complete the payment. It is suitable for face-to-face cashier scenarios in offline locations, such as supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants…

- Mini-program payment: It means that the merchant realizes the payment function in the WeChat mini-program. The user opens mini-program to place an order, enters the payment password and completes the payment, and then returns to the mini-program.

WeChat in France

If you want to attract more than one Chinese tourist you definitely have to start first by creating an official Wechat account, and no worries for the license knowing that France is one of the countries able to ask for it, with Russia, USA, Canada but also UK and Italy.

How WeChat can help you promote your business?

Once the official account created, a QR code will be available. Wechat is the must-have platform to increase your sales with your Chinese customers but also fill the shortfall by connecting with them, knowing that Chinese people are always on line! WeChat allows you increase your visibility and so to target always more and more prospects. You have to start thinking about an efficient strategy that will fill the best your business.

Wechat-QR code

- Localization. There are many ways to do it. One of its tools is localization wish is the most efficient, because it allows you to localize the user in real time, what better way to target a maximum number of Chinese tourists around you shop? But also address a personalized and adapted content for your prospects.

- Loyalty program. In order to have a sophisticated and successful customer loyalty program that assist in refining and personalizing the relationship with Chinese customers you have to connect with them to build a strong relationship and get them informed and aware of your last products and services wish will probably a must for them and will be your best brand ambassador ever thanks to WOM(word of mouth).

WeChat in France

- Advertise on WeChat. There are three main ways, Moments ads, Banner ads, and Key opinion leader (KOL or influencer) ads. WeChat limits the number of advertisements that appear in the user's field of vision. For example, each user can only see three Moments ads within 24 hours.

- Work with influencers (KOL) on WeChat. WeChat’s key opinion leaders (KOL) are bloggers, actors and other celebrities who have a certain degree of influence on the platform. Any company can cooperate with KOL through WeChat. KOLs can recommend your products and services, which means you don’t need to build your own products or services on the platform to reach their audience.

We do have the best advisors for your business.
Silkpay is a fintech company, partner of Alipay and WeChat pay, the main Chinese e-wallets. We offer mobile payment services on points of sale in France and Europe. Silkpay also offers marketing and communication services via Chinese social networks that allow merchants attract and sell to Chinese customers.
Our very large KOL's (Key Opinion Leaders) catalog will allow you to choose the KOL's most suitable for your activity. Thanks to our experienced copywriting teams, Silkpay will help you distribute clean and relevant content for your brand.